Education and Daawa program

Field Activity



To achieve desirable transformation in the society through education and Islamic propagation


To provide educational support and Da’awah services to the society through provision of quality education, solicit for financial support, career and counselling services.

 Program activities:
  1. Manage and run integrated education services to at NEYD Children’s Home.
  2. Conduct career guidance and counselling services to schools and colleges
  3. Solicit scholarship and financial support to bright needy students
  4. Conduct peace and conflict awareness campaign within the society.

Our Mitigation Expertise in Shelter and Settlement

  1. To provide quality integrated education services to NEYD Children’s Home.
  2. To solicit scholarship and financial support to bright and needy students
  3. To contribute in eradicating illiteracy in the society and conduct civic education in the region
  4. To initiate and conduct career guidance and counselling services in schools and colleges.
  5. To promote harmony and peaceful co-existence of communities